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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fall Leaves Tin Can Wind Chime - Photograph

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I took those photographs of the tin can wind chime that I made and hung in my yard this past week. The strings on the original wind chime broke, and the wood rotted. I almost threw away the chimes, but then I got the idea to use a tin can (Bush beans) to restring it. I decoupaged a Fall Leaves napkin onto this, but I intentionally didn't use an exterior clear coat sealer / medium on this project.

The steps of how to make it are here: How To Tin Can Wind Chime Project Instructions


Witchcrafted Life said...

This is a thoroughly brilliant idea! I've adored wind chimes since childhood (in large part because of the beautiful collection my paternal grandparents hung out on their deck back then), but have never tried my hand at making any myself. You've inspired me to add doing so to my "to craft" list. Thank you!

Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

Tom said...

...I had to restring a wind chime recently too!