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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

"T Stands For Teddy Sitting Along Side Yard" - Photograph

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I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for this week's T Stands For challenge found here.

First, I want to apologize to the T-Gang for last week not coming back to leave comments for some of the T-Gang. Last Tuesday, June 9, 2020, my cat's health took an unexpected dire turn. More about that a little later in this post...

This is my summation of the past week:

Teddy will be serving double duty as my main image plus as my "T-Day ticket" for my T-Day posts.

Those photos of Teddy are actually from a few weeks ago. I used the side area of my yard as the backdrop for Teddy posing in a lawn chair with my his (ahem) tea mug.

So, this week's T-Post will mostly be about my cat, because his health crisis has been occupying a lot of my time, thoughts, and energy. Anyone who loves a pet will understand how stressful and upsetting this situation has been. (And he's more than just a "pet" to me, but that's the word we have for our beloved fury companions.)

I won't go into the details of what happened. He is an indoor cat, so the problem didn't involve any external factors. He became sick on Tuesday (June 9) and ultimately ended up needing Unexpected Emergency Major Surgery on Thursday, June 11, 2020.

His recovery will take 14 days or longer. So far, the early signs continue to look positive. He's now also beginning to think there is nothing wrong with him, so I needed to remove more furniture from the room in which he is confined, to prevent him from jumping up, which is currently a restricted activity for him.

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He's even adapting to wearing the Elizabethan Collar, which won't come off until the stitches / sutures are removed. (Initially he was very unhappy about having to wear it. Maybe he's resigned to his fate now. And part of the good news is he figured out how to drink his water and eat his food with it on. That was challenging for him at first.)

And surprisingly, he was well enough this weekend where I felt comfortable enough to go outside and do a little yard work each day. All of the flower planting for my new round garden was completed when he got sick, so finishing it was put on hold, obviously. Over the weekend, I completed the last step of adding the mulch.

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But with him thinking he's well enough to jump up on things that I normally let him jump up on, I'll need to go back to watching him like a hawk, to make sure he doesn't hurt himself with some new mischief.

I will try to visit everyone this week, but because of my cat's ongoing recovery, my blog activity will continue to be limited for awhile. And I want to say a deeply appreciative thank you to everyone who has left supportive comments and/or sent emails.

Saint Francis of Assisis Prayers for Pets


Iris Flavia said...

Teddy is cute as ever and oh, my. All the best wishes for your companion.

Valerie-Jael said...

All the best for your cat, wish him a speedy recovery. teddy looks great, as always. Happy T day, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

Teddy looked like he picked a good spot to have his tea and to supervise you while you did all the yard work. 😺 The tree garden looks very pretty. So glad that your fur baby continues to improve. Take care and Happy T Day

Mary said...

Teddy looks so cute outside with the pretty tea mug. And the round flower bed surrounding the tree looks great! Your cat must be feeling a little better if he is thinking about jumping up on things. It sounds like you will need to keep a close eye on him for potential mischief until everything is healed. Best wishes for a full recovery.

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm glad kitty is getting better. I trust the recovery will continue to be uncomplicated. We treasure our pets :) I think the word "pet" is endearing :) It's even a "pet" name for some loved ones. Happy T Tuesday!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Teddy can take over for you, dear Anne. As I've said before, FAMILY is everything. I hope your adorable cat makes it through the stages of his recovery and he doesn't rip any stitches. He's certainly adorable. Thanks go to Teddy for joining us for T this Tuesday and thanks go to you, Anne, for making sure family came/comes first.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Just read the comments you left me. I knew about using the milk jugs. In fact, I learned them from the same person who plants her tomatoes in hay bales. In the past, she has done both several years in a row. That's why I've saved my milk jugs, but I seldom buy a gallon of milk. I mainly just purchase 1/2 & 1/2 in waxy paper quarts that I rinse and use as fire starters in my chiminea.

Eileen Bergen said...

Wishing kitty a good recovery. We have pets. I undderstand your distress.

The circle garden is lovely.

Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

Mae Travels said...

That's a beautiful little garden around the tree. Wishing you years of enjoyment as it grows and changes, which all gardens do.

I hope your cat continues to make progress getting over his surgery.

be well... mae at

Linda Kunsman said...

Glad to see teddy in the shade:) So sorry to hear about your cat. I'm sure he's getting the very best care ever. I know about these things and just how upsetting it is -except that we've always had dogs. Wishing him a speedy and full recovery. Take care of yourself too. Happy T day!

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Anne, so glad your kitty is recovering-it will be harder to watch him while he is getting to feeling better as he will become more active. which is also a good thing too.
big hugs for the both of you Kathy

Dianne said...

Glad your kitty is on the mend, hope he continues to heal well. Beautiful little round flower garden - very sweet! and waving Hi to Teddy from Ohio!

J said...

Morning Anne, so sorry to hear about your cats accident, they are such a worry and it’s so upsetting when they are ill.
Teddy is looking very comfortable in his garden chair too
Take care, Jan x

Meggymay said...

Sorry to read about your cat Anne. Our pets are part of our families , when they are ill it would be good if they could tell us how they feel. I hope yours is on the way to a full recovery.
Teddy looked good as well today.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx

Halle said...

Poor kitty baby. At least he is adjusting to the collar. Your tree ring is looking good!
Happy T day!

Jeanie said...

I"m so glad your cat is doing well and I hope it just keeps up. I suspect it will and all will be well. We have to be so careful with them, they have such minds of their own! Love your garden by the tree!

pearshapedcrafting said...

We don't have a pet now but used to have a cat or a dog (sometimes both) for all of our lives! I know how stressful it is to have a poorly member of the family...and those pesky collars!! Wishing your cat a speedy recovery! Teddy looks comfy with his drink ! Belated Happy T Day!, Chrisx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Teddy knows all the best places. Clever teddy. Hugs, Angela xXx

Bill said...

Teddy looks relaxed in the chair. Glad to hear your kittie is doing good and recovering. Have a wonderful weekend.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see Teddy.
All the best for your cat, I do wish him a speedy recovery.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan