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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

"The Great Gatsby" Mansion and Cottage Inspiration? - Photograph

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This past week, I took these photographs of the "cottage" and mansion in Westport, CT that may have inspired the descriptions used in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

According to a recent non-fiction book, in 1920 F. Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda spent five months living in a rental "cottage" built in 1758 at 244 Compo Road South in Westport, Connecticut, right next to the large estate of a millionaire, whose mansion was on a bay of Long Island Sound. And interestingly, the mansion faces Judy Point, where at least one house was probably located, just like in the movie / book, where Gatsby could see the green light at the end of the dock at Daisy's house across the bay. The mansion still stands, and is now The Inn at Longshore. The property is the Longshore Golf Course. The "cottage" is still at the corner of the vast property. You can read an article about the book claims here.

My photographs show the mansion facing the bay shore, the view across the bay, the front of the mansion, and the "cottage." In the second photo, the view across the bay is Judy Point in Westport, CT. (To the left, in the distance, and hard to see, is Long Island, NY.)


CJ Kennedy said...

Beautiful! I can see Gatsby standing at the edge of the dock in the evening watching the green light flash across the water on the opposite shore. Daisy. Beckoning and yet unattainable.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How neat! I love seeing a place I've read about! Beautiful photos! It does look beckoning!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I missed you and Teddy for T this week, Anne. You took some lovely photos, although I know very little about Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby. Showing my literary ignorance here, dear.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Amazing place, love it xXx