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Sunday, July 9, 2023

"Space Lunar Lander" - Postcard

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This week's Sunday Postcard Art theme was "Space".

I know it's not Christmas time, but I had this cute rocket with Santa elves in it, so I decided to put them on the moon, with Saturn in the background night sky.

I created this using GIMP 2.10.34

The vintage images are from an Internet search. (See the side of my blog for links.)


Sabine said...

looks like little sandmen will start to earth...
thanks for joining this challenge

Gillena Cox said...

OMG this is so cute. Happy Sunday.
Much 💜love

Deann said...

This is adorable and beautifully done.

Michele said...

oh my goodness this is so much fun! love it! xo

My name is Erika. said...

What a fun postcard Anne. I didn't know much about that earthquake tilt you mentioned in your comment yesterday, so I looked it up. I have a biology background, not astronomy, geology or physics, but it's fascinating. I'm not certain from what I read that it's a long term effect because my understanding is that it didn't have to do with whole planet tilt as it rotates around the sun. But my knowledge of astronomy isn't that in depth. But thanks for sharing that info as it was interesting to read about. Stay dry and safe. I'm in one of the 2 counties not under the severe flood watch here in NH, but we're still in for a lot of rain.

Rika said...

such a cute card.

Rosie said...

A wonderful card

peggy gatto said...

What fun!!!