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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

"T Stands For Teddy On Toppled Trees" - Photograph

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For some perspective to the distance to the current point where the fallen trees are cut back to, which is where the clean up work will continue, the following photo shows where Teddy was sitting in the above photos:
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Previous storm clean up progress location (August 8, 2020):
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Previous storm clean up progress location (August 5, 2020):
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(Click on image to enlarge)

I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for this week's T Stands For challenge found here.

This is my summation of the past week:

Teddy will be serving double duty as my main image plus as my "T-Day ticket" for my T-Day posts.

On Tuesday afternoon, August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect, but fortunately they didn't hit anything. I lost electricity, cellular service, and internet service. I am grateful that those utilities were restored after several days. (Note: I want to apologize to the T-Gang participants who I was unable to visit last week, due to the loss of power and internet.)

An EF1 tornado (which started as a waterspout before making landfall) struck Westport, Connecticut at about 1:40pm that day. A short time later, there was a Tornado Warning just west of where I was. During that time, the winds became very scary where I was, and awhile later, the five trees fell. (I've experienced Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, and Nor'easters, but the winds during Isaias were the scariest I've ever gone through.)

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(Additional photos can be seen here.)

As of Monday, August 10, 2020, great progress has been made in storm clean up efforts so far, although it is very strenuous, and all five trees require more cutting. (Note: I might leave a generic comment for everyone this week, because I'm very sore after each day's clean up efforts. Even the effort to make this scheduled T-Day post has been arduous.)

In the first photo of Teddy in this post, three of the five toppled trees can be seen. Tree 1 (tree on right, leaning against a still standing tree) was uprooted by the force of the wind, as seen by its exposed root ball in the far background. Tree 2 (center tree, which Teddy is sitting on) snapped at its base due to the weight of Tree 1 on it. Tree 3 (Pine Tree, tree on left) was uprooted by the weight of Tree 1 and Tree 2 hitting it, as seen by its exposed root ball in the background (just above Teddy's head).

Since June, it has been very hot and mostly dry where I am in southwest Connecticut. And Connecticut still has D0 and D1 drought conditions. (United States Drought Monitor - Connecticut) Usually after a Tropical Storm goes through, cooler air is ushered in, if only even for a few days. That was not the case with Isaias. The heat continued with no let up. Each day has been about 90 F (32.2 C) with 85% to 95% humidity, making the daily storm clean up efforts dehydrating and draining, besides being strenuous.

Teddy claims he has been doing all of the storm clean up work each day, while I've been sitting inside with the fans running (I don't have air conditioning), eating bon bons. I asked Teddy if that were true, why is it I was the one taking a "slushie shower" after physical exertions each day, when we had no electricity. If you're wondering what a "slushie shower" is, a slushie drink contains ice crystals. Now imagine someone continuously throwing those ice crystals at you, at 100 mph (160.93 kph). That's how my water felt, in the shower, with no electricity to be able to heat it. Despite the water coming out as liquid, it felt like a bunch of pins and needles, like I was being shot with fine ice crystals. One would think, with how hot it was outside, the water in the pipes in the ground couldn't get that cold, yet it did and was. Teddy had no reply to my question, other than to say he likes slushies.


Iris Flavia said...

Mielebaer is a tad jealous now but certainly waves a friendly hello to Teddy, happy T-day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Little wonder cold showers were supposed to cool a guy's ardour!

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad Teddy has been helping you clear up the storm damage, and glad to see he's drinking plenty of water. We had an official weather warning today, too - stop home unless it's necessary to go out. It's extremely hot and humid, but I had to go to th doc's. Happy T Day, Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

A relief to know none of the trees did damage to you, your house, or your car. Amazing how they missed the round garden (where you worked so hard earlier in the summer) and your beautiful garden statues. What a mess! It must be hard work for Teddy to sit and hold your water bottle.

As a kid when we lost electricity from storms, I don't remember power being out more than a few hours. It's scary now how it takes several days to get the electricity back. An Enders classmate from Long Island just got her electricity back yesterday, nearly a week after the storm.

I don't think the weather dudes called this one right. Once the storm came on land in the Carolinas and continued its landward trek, it was supposed to lose its punch and it didn't! I'm glad you don't have to take slushie showers any longer and your electricity is restored. Take care with the rest of the cleanup (I hope you have some help) as the weather continues to be hot and humid.

Tom said...

...and lots of firewood, let's have s'mores.

kathyinozarks said...

that's a huge job to clean up all those trees-do you have a fireplace or a wood stove so you can use the wood? we used to only heat with wood for many years at the woods house before it became too work for Larry.
Happy T wishes Kathy

Karen said...

5 trees! what a mess ~ I can't believe it gained so much strength or you must have been a direct hit compared to what we had in VA. I'm glad your home is safe & your power is back on. take care!

My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to hear the winds were so bad. They were pretty rough here too, but when I was in early twenties and living at home just outside of Worcester, we had a tornado nearby. Those winds were worse than this storm. OK, that is probably a useless aside. But it must must have been because Isias moved through so fast maybe. Your winds were way worse than what we had here in NH by the trees down in your photo. And that is just near you. How much damage was done by the tornado? But most important, you are OK and so is your house. That is worth celebrating on T day. Hopefully no more crazy storms. Hugs-Erika

Let's Art Journal said...

Oh my, so pleased to hear that you are ok! You did a great job of tidying your garden too, the Tropical Storm must have been so scary at the time too 😁. Teddy looks happy sitting on the logs now the storm has passed! Take care and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Divers and Sundry said...

We're used to tornadoes here and know how destructive they can be, but I forget people as far northeast as you get them. I'm glad y'all are ok and the cleanup is progressing.

Happy T Tuesday!

Mary said...

It looks like Teddy has been a big help during operation storm cleanup. Or maybe that is what he wants everyone to think as he poses for photos sitting on top of that large tree. It looks like you have done a great job on the storm cleanup while staying hydrated. The slushie shower must have been a very quick one. When I lose power, I lose water too, as we have a community well and that has an electric pump. Luckily my son in the next town over had power and the road was clear the next day.

Linda Kunsman said...

wow- that was some tropical storm that went up along the coast! In my area we did have flooding issues on roads but we got quite lucky compared to other nearby towns that lost power, had significant damage - one even having a tornado go through-yikes:(
Good luck with all the clean up.
Happy T day!

Eileen Bergen said...

I'm just glad neither you nor Teddy were injured by those falling trees. What a mess! The trees must have been beautiful. They look quite large. I know about high winds. Chris and I were in St. Martin when category 5 hurricane Luis hit the island. 9/5/95 - we'll never forget the date. We spent 50 hours huddled in the bathroom of our hotel room. Chris slept in the tub. I slept on the toilet seat. Water was seeping under the door. At least we didn't have to do the clean up after like you. You and Teddy have my sympathy.

On the other hand, while you have slushie showers, we couldn't bathe for 5 days - until we got off the island. The airplane we finally were able to board was filled with people like us. The poor crew!

Happy T-day! I hope you get hot water, plus a break from the heat and all the heavy labor soon. Don't overdo and hurt yourself. Hugs, Eileen

Mae Travels said...

Good luck getting all the cleanup done. All this fearful weather seems more ominous because the world has gone so mad and bad. I suppose we have had storms like this before, but it seems so eerie.

be well... mae at

Kate Yetter said...

So sorry to hear that you have so much cleanup. The heat certainly doesn't help.
Best Wishes for a quick and easy cleanup.
Happy Tea Day,

Sharon Madson said...

Teddy is so cute in the clean up place. He makes me smile. We have had some storms, but not bad. Sorry yours was so bad. We usually get tornados here in the Spring and have had some EF-5s in our area. Happy Belated T Day1

DVArtist said...

Sorry you got hit with that. Glad you are OK.