I took those photographs about two hours before yesterday's (August 27, 2020) severe storms arrived in my area of Connecticut. Thankfully I was spared the brunt of this storm, after having just finished three weeks of storm damage clean up from Tropical Storm Isaias. Unfortunately, other parts of Connecticut suffered severe damage from the strong line of thunderstorms that went through, which may have included a tornado. The Governor activated the National Guard to help with storm clean up in hard hit Branford, CT.
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"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster..." ― Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Definition of Bigot: a person who is intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance.
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." ― C. S. Lewis
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Friday, August 28, 2020
Clouds and Sun Rays Two Hours Before The Storm - Photograph
I took those photographs about two hours before yesterday's (August 27, 2020) severe storms arrived in my area of Connecticut. Thankfully I was spared the brunt of this storm, after having just finished three weeks of storm damage clean up from Tropical Storm Isaias. Unfortunately, other parts of Connecticut suffered severe damage from the strong line of thunderstorms that went through, which may have included a tornado. The Governor activated the National Guard to help with storm clean up in hard hit Branford, CT.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
"T Stands For Teddy Holding Chainsaw, Week 3" - Photograph
I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for this week's T Stands For challenge found here.
This is my summation of the past week:
Teddy will be serving double duty as my main image plus as my "T-Day ticket" for my T-Day posts.
After almost three weeks of clean up efforts, the work is finally completed. Back on Tuesday afternoon, August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect, but fortunately they didn't hit anything.
Teddy said he did all of the clean up work while I sat inside eating bon bons. Teddy said those photographs of him with the chainsaw are his proof. He also said if you look closely, you'll see the bottle of water he drank from during the final day of work (Saturday, August 22, 2020), which was very hot and humid. If you're wondering what the yellow thing is, Teddy said he didn't want to sit on yet another sawdust covered, potentially bug and sap covered tree stump, so he made me use a plastic grocery bag as a mat. (He's also now demanding that I get him some type of washable fabric kitchen table placemat to use as a mini-picnic blanket for him to sit on during our outdoor photo shoots. I told him I'll try to find one for him at Walmart or Christmas Tree Shops.)
Despite Teddy's claims about who did all of the work, I have a lot of sore and strained muscles, including my right hand, so my artwork and online activities will be limited for awhile, until I'm feeling back to normal.
This year has been an unusually hot, humid Summer that has gone on, with no relief, since about early to mid June to August 14, 2020. Then the heat and humidity returned August 22, 2020. Because of that, Connecticut has D0, D1, and D2 drought conditions. (United States Drought Monitor - Connecticut) So between the drought, bugs eating all of the plant and tree leaves, and Tropical Storm Isaias, I picked the wrong year to decide to plant grass seed and try to regain control of the flower beds, which had become overgrown with weeds / vines / etc.
This week I'm the guest host at Sunday Postcard Art, and I chose the challenge theme "Train." Fortunately I had already made the art piece awhile ago, because right now, my right hand hurts too much to do any creative work.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Dragonfly - Photograph
I took those photographs while I was outside taking photos of the completed storm clean up efforts. That dragonly landed on one of the roots sticking up from the remains of the fallen pine tree.
Hawk With Bird From Bird Feeder - Photograph
I took that photograph through my house window this past week, so it isn't the best quality.
I was inside resting my aching muscles, after having just completed the storm clean up efforts, when I heard one of my wind chimes sound. There wasn't any wind, so I wondered why they sounded. I looked out and saw this raptor on the ground. When I took the photograph, I didn't know it was holding a bird it had caught, one that was most likely at my bird feeder, which one set of wind chimes is near. If you look closely on the lower right hand side of the Hawk's wing, you can see the wing of the bird it caught.
Tropical Storm Isaias Clean Up Completed - Photograph
On Tuesday afternoon, August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect, but fortunately they didn't hit anything.
After almost three weeks of clean up efforts, the work is finally completed. I have a lot of sore and strained muscles, including my right hand, so my artwork and online activities will be limited for awhile, until I'm feeling back to normal.
This year has been an unusually hot, humid Summer that has gone on, with no relief, since about early to mid June to August 14, 2020. Then the heat and humidity returned August 22, 2020. Because of that, Connecticut has D0 and D1 drought conditions. (United States Drought Monitor - Connecticut) So between the drought, bugs eating all of the plant and tree leaves, and Tropical Storm Isaias, I picked the wrong year to decide to plant grass seed and try to regain control of the flower beds, which had become overgrown with weeds /
vines / etc.
"Train" - Postcard
This week I have the honor of hosting Sunday Postcard Art, and I chose the challenge theme "Train."
I created this using GIMP 2.10.18.
The vintage images are from an Internet search. (See the side of my blog for links.)
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
"T Stands For Teddy On Toppled Trees, Week 2" - Photograph
I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for this week's T Stands For challenge found here.
This is my summation of the past week:
Teddy will be serving double duty as my main image plus as my "T-Day
ticket" for my T-Day posts.
Storm clean up continues two weeks after Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect. All five trees still require further cutting, but great progress continues to be made. (Note: only 3 of the fallen trees are visible in the above photos.) This past week, I also cleared out the area under the utility lines running to my house. That area had become overgrown over the years, and the extensive damage due to this storm made me realize I needed to do something about that area, just in case.
Rainfall continues to be spartan here, so Connecticut still has D0 and D1 drought conditions. (United States Drought Monitor - Connecticut) At least starting Saturday, the temperatures and humidity dropped, so it has been pleasant here. But it looks like the hot humid weather might be returning by this coming weekend.
Due to the muscle strains from all of the physical clean up activity, I haven't been able to work on artwork. (I posted two pieces last week, but I had completed them before the clean up efforts started.) And once again, I might leave a generic comment for everyone this week, because I'm very sore after each day's clean up efforts. Due to an old, previous injury, my wrist has become especially painful, so it's hard to type / use the mouse.
Mother Deer and Three Fawns - Photograph
I took those photographs through my house window this past week, so they aren't the best quality.
This mother deer and her triplets hadn't come through my yard in awhile, so I was happy to see the family unit is still intact. They were up near where the five trees had fallen two weeks ago. The changed landscape seemed to be a little disorienting to them.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Sun Rays Clouds Sky - Photograph
I took those photographs in my yard this past week.
Friday, August 14, 2020
"Night Sky Silhouette" - Postcard
I created this using GIMP 2.10.18.
The vintage images are from an Internet search. (See the side of my blog for links.)
Thursday, August 13, 2020
"Fairy Spell" - Postcard
This week's Sunday Postcard Art challenge was "Conversations."
I created this using GIMP 2.10.18.
The vintage images are from an Internet search. (See the side of my blog for links.)
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
"T Stands For Teddy On Toppled Trees" - Photograph
I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth for this week's T Stands For challenge found here.
This is my summation of the past week:
Teddy will be serving double duty as my main image plus as my "T-Day
ticket" for my T-Day posts.
On Tuesday afternoon, August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect, but fortunately they didn't hit anything. I lost electricity, cellular service, and internet service. I am grateful that those utilities were restored after several days. (Note: I want to apologize to the T-Gang participants who I was unable to visit last week, due to the loss of power and internet.)
An EF1 tornado (which started as a waterspout before making landfall) struck Westport, Connecticut at about 1:40pm that day. A short time later, there was a Tornado Warning just west of where I was. During that time, the winds became very scary where I was, and awhile later, the five trees fell. (I've experienced Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, and Nor'easters, but the winds during Isaias were the scariest I've ever gone through.)
As of Monday, August 10, 2020, great progress has been made in storm clean up efforts so far, although it is very strenuous, and all five trees require more cutting. (Note: I might leave a generic comment for everyone this week, because I'm very sore after each day's clean up efforts. Even the effort to make this scheduled T-Day post has been arduous.)
In the first photo of Teddy in this post, three of the five toppled trees can be seen. Tree 1 (tree on right, leaning against a still standing tree) was uprooted by the force of the wind, as seen by its exposed root ball in the far background. Tree 2 (center tree, which Teddy is sitting on) snapped at its base due to the weight of Tree 1 on it. Tree 3 (Pine Tree, tree on left) was uprooted by the weight of Tree 1 and Tree 2 hitting it, as seen by its exposed root ball in the background (just above Teddy's head).
Since June, it has been very hot and mostly dry where I am in southwest Connecticut. And Connecticut still has D0 and D1 drought conditions. (United States Drought Monitor - Connecticut) Usually after a Tropical Storm goes through, cooler air is ushered in, if only even for a few days. That was not the case with Isaias. The heat continued with no let up. Each day has been about 90 F (32.2 C) with 85% to 95% humidity, making the daily storm clean up efforts dehydrating and draining, besides being strenuous.
Teddy claims he has been doing all of the storm clean up work each day, while I've been sitting inside with the fans running (I don't have air conditioning), eating bon bons. I asked Teddy if that were true, why is it I was the one taking a "slushie shower" after physical exertions each day, when we had no electricity. If you're wondering what a "slushie shower" is, a slushie drink contains ice crystals. Now imagine someone continuously throwing those ice crystals at you, at 100 mph (160.93 kph). That's how my water felt, in the shower, with no electricity to be able to heat it. Despite the water coming out as liquid, it felt like a bunch of pins and needles, like I was being shot with fine ice crystals. One would think, with how hot it was outside, the water in the pipes in the ground couldn't get that cold, yet it did and was. Teddy had no reply to my question, other than to say he likes slushies.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Tropical Storm Isaias Clean Up Progress - Photograph
On Tuesday afternoon, August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect, but fortunately they didn't hit anything.
As of today (Monday, August 10, 2020), six seven days of storm clean up efforts have been completed. All five trees require more cutting, but great progress has been made so far, although it is very strenuous.
The photos above are all of the view out the window looking toward the corner of my house and a portion of the driveway, and show the following:
1) Clean up progress after six seven days of storm clean up efforts.
2) Clean up progress after three four days of storm clean up efforts.
3) The five toppled trees, right after they fell.
I'll have another post later, for Tea Tuesday, that will give some perspective to the distance to the current point where the fallen trees are cut back to, which is where the clean up work will continue.
(Note: the photographs are mislabeled. I started storm clean up the day the trees toppled, but forgot to count that as day one.)
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Five Trees Toppled By Tropical Storm Isaias On Tuesday - Photograph
On Tuesday afternoon, August 4, 2020, Tropical Storm Isaias toppled five trees on my property, in a domino effect, but fortunately they didn't hit anything. Many in this area were not as lucky. Shortly before the trees fell, a Tornado Warning had been issued for a swath of Connecticut just west of where I live in southwest Connecticut.
Most of my utilities (electricity, cellular coverage, internet) went out on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday evening, the electricity came back on. Friday afternoon, the cellular coverage came back on. Saturday evening, the internet came back on. The damage in this area due to fallen trees and branches was extensive, so I'm grateful for the restoration of my utilities. I've spent time each day, including on Tuesday, clearing the trees, and hope to have most of it completed today (Sunday).
The photos above are as follows:
1) View out window of five toppled trees at corner of house.
2) View in front of car, looking up driveway.
3) View in front of car, looking up driveway and toward corner of house.
4) View from front yard, looking toward driveway, showing round flower garden, bird feeders, and wind chimes.
5) View from top of driveway, looking toward origin point of fallen trees. (If you look closely at the left center side of the photo, the cream colored building is my shed and the red is my car.)
6) View from top of driveway, looking toward house and bird feeders.
7) View of origin point of fallen trees. Tree 1 was uprooted by the force of the wind, as seen by its exposed root ball. Tree 2 snapped at its base due to the weight of Tree 1 on it. Tree 3 (Pine Tree) was uprooted by the weight of Tree 1 and Tree 2 hitting it, as seen by its exposed root ball.
8) View of Tree 4 bowed over (and snapped) by the impact from Tree 1, 2, and 3. (Note: Tree 5 was flattened like a pancake, and was across the driveway, below Trees 1, 2, and 3. And several large branches were snapped off of the tree growing in the round flower garden.)
9) Angel statue (and tree) near toppled trees.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
"Gold Claddagh / Green Celtic Cross Modern" - Postcard