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"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." ― C. S. Lewis

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Tranquil Waters - Photographs

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This is 1 of 5 posts of photographs I took of Hooded Mergansers this past week.

In the first two photographs, the sun was almost directly behind the Hooded Mergansers, creating a partial silhouette effect which also made the water look very tranquil. I especially liked how in the first photo, it created a "blinds effect" where it looked like the light and shadow stripes created when the sun shines through window blinds.

Hooded Mergansers - Photographs

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This is 2 of 5 posts of photographs I took of Hooded Mergansers this past week.

The first photo is my entry for Weekly Top Shot #120.

Male Hooded Merganser - Photographs

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This is 3 of 5 posts of photographs I took of Hooded Mergansers this past week.

The second photo is my entry for I'd Rather Be Birding.

Male Hooded Merganser - Photographs

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This is 4 of 5 posts of photographs I took of Hooded Mergansers this past week.

The first photo is my entry for Saturday's Critters.

Diving Hooded Mergansers - Photographs

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This is 5 of 5 posts of photographs I took of Hooded Mergansers this past week.

These were action shots of them diving under water.

The first photo is my entry for Camera Critters #304.

Sunlight Reflected in Icy Water - Photograph

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This is a photograph I took of the sunlight reflecting in the icy beach water. The Hooded Mergansers swim and dive in this cold salt water.

This is my entry for Water World Wednesday .

American Tree Sparrow - Photograph

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This is a photograph of what I think is an American Tree Sparrow. (Bird identification corrections are welcome.)

Seagull on Icy Rocks - Photograph

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I liked how the water color contrasted with the seagull in this photograph.

Great Blue Heron - Photograph

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This is another photograph where I almost didn't get the shot, because I didn't know the bird was there. I had pulled over because I had seen an unusual looking duck. As I was walking back toward where I had seen it, I suddenly noticed this statuesque figure, and froze in my tracks so I wouldn't spook him. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get many pictures before he took off, because he had seen me. I haven't seen any Herons or Egrets all winter, and thought they had migrated South, so I was thrilled to see this one.

Hawk in Tree - Photograph

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This is my first photograph of a Hawk. I almost didn't see him! I was about to get into my car when I noticed something high up in a tree. Unfortunately he's obscured by tree branches.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Male Hooded Merganser - Photograph

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This is 1 of 3 posts of photographs that I took of a Hooded Merganser couple in Fairfield, CT this past week.

In this shot, the male Hooded Merganser is actually standing on a section of ice that stretched into the middle of the water. He preened for a short time, then settled down to rest. To his dismay, the ducks swimming around him decided he had a good idea, and soon they crowded around him on the ice.

This photograph is my entry for:

Camera Critters #303
 I'd Rather Be Birding
 Saturday's Critters #8

Female Hooded Merganser - Photograph

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This is 2 of 3 posts of photographs that I took of a Hooded Merganser couple in Fairfield, CT this past week.

This is the first time I've been able to get a clear picture of a female Hooded Merganser. Usually they are too far away, swimming too fast, etc., and my photos come out blurry.

Male Hooded Merganser - Photographs

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This is 3 of 3 posts of photographs that I took of a Hooded Merganser couple in Fairfield, CT this past week.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Male Hooded Merganser - Photographs

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I took these photographs of a male Hooded Merganser this past week in Westport, CT.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

"Faces" – Postcard

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(Click on image to enlarge)
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(Click on image to enlarge)

This week’s Sunday Postcard Art challenge was "Faces."

I started with an idea, but in the end, it didn't come out the way I had envisioned it. Then I tried to salvage my efforts. My original design was 4" wide by 6" high but I thought it didn't look right, so I rotated it sideways and modified it. I took one last look at my original one, thinking I was going to delete it, but it didn't look as bad as I had originally thought it did. Can you tell I'm suffering from indecisiveness? Anyway, I don't think these are my best work, but I'm posting them. I'm having a lot of difficulty tapping into my creative side lately due to personal circumstances that are weighing heavily on me.

I created these using GIMP 2.8.10.

The vintage woman profile image is from a DuckDuckGo search.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Train - 3" x 5" Card

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This is the 3" x 5" Greens Farms card that I mailed in my Train Series Mail Art Envelope. The images are from a DuckDuckGo search

Bird - ATC

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This is the bird ATC that I mailed in my Train Series Mail Art Envelope. The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

Greens Farms Station - Mail Art Envelope - Train Series

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I created a standard #6 3/4 Envelope (3 5/8" x 6 1/2") template in GIMP 2.8.10, then used it to start a "Train Series" of Mail Art Envelopes. I intend to mail each letter in my Train Series from the actual train station that is the envelope's return address. This will be the first one that I mail.

I created the 3" x 5" Greens Farms card and 2.5" x 3.5" bird ATC to mail inside the envelope. The 3" x 5" Astronomer card is one I had created awhile ago.

I printed the envelope on parchment card stock paper, cut it out, and used an Elmer's Disappearing Purple Glue Stick to seal the edges. I also used that to seal the envelope flap after I put the cards inside of it, then added a piece of Scotch Tape over the seam.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nautical - Art Journal Page

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I created a nautical map themed journal page and inserted it into Page 11 of the Notes section of the weekly planner/journal that I'm using for The Documented Life Project.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Secret Message - Week 04 - The Documented Life Project

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The Week04 challenge for The Documented Life Project was "Secret Message" where the idea was to write a secret message, then hide all but one word of it.

I started this by writing my secret message onto the journal page. Next, I chose which word to show, placed a "paper rectangle mask" over it to protect it while I painted over all of the words with "gesso." I removed the mask and drew a chalk box around my chosen word. Then I painted various colors over the page. My final step was to add a piece of "ribbon washi tape" followed by various "decoupage" images.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10, printed it on card stock paper, cut it out, then taped it into my weekly planner.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Night Sky" – Postcard

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(Click on image to enlarge)
This week’s Sunday Postcard Art challenge was "Night Sky."

This is 1 of 2 postcards that I created for the challenge. I tried to make this look like an art journal page style of artwork.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10.

The vintage images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

"Phases of the Moon" – Postcard

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(Click on image to enlarge)
This week’s Sunday Postcard Art challenge was "Night Sky."

This is 2 of 2 postcards that I created for the challenge. This one is similar to the Art Journal Page I created.

The words are from the song Moondance by Van Morrison.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10.

The vintage images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The font is HarabaraHand Italic

Phases of the Moon - Art Journal Page

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(Click on image to enlarge)

I created a journal page for the 2014 Phases of the Moon, and inserted it into Page 12 of the Notes section of the weekly planner/journal that I'm using for The Documented Life Project.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10.

The woman image is from a DuckDuckGo search.

The table of data came from this US Navy website.

The words are from the song Witchy Woman by the Eagles.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Envelope in Mail - Week 03 - The Documented Life Project

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(Click on image to enlarge)
The Week03 challenge for The Documented Life Project was "Envelope in Mail" where the idea was to use all or part of an envelope that had been received in the mail.

This is the first mixed media piece I have ever created, and I had fun doing it! I cut out the stamp and postmark from an envelope that I had received in the past. I also cut out images from cards. I created a pastel background journal page using GIMP 2.8.10, printed it on card stock paper, cut it out, then glue sticked everything to it.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Africa" – Moo (1.1" x 2.8")

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This week’s Moo Mania challenge was "Africa."

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

Sunset - Photographs

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These are some photographs I took at Long Beach in Stratford, CT at sunset this past week.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"Grand Central Terminal" – Postcard

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This week’s Sunday Postcard Art challenge was "Monochrome."

I started with the train, which was brown, so I used monochrome brown colors for this. I had originally wanted to use the locomotive in an envelope mail art piece to mail to myself, but I didn't have time to work on that within the deadline by which I needed it.

The words on this are from a fortune cookie I got recently. I thought it foretold a positive outcome for me for something that involved a train this week, but I misled myself.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.10.

The vintage images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The fonts are:

Malgun Gothic Bold

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Journal Front Accordion Pocket

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(Click on image to enlarge)
I created a front accordion pocket for the weekly planner/journal that I'm using for The Documented Life Project.

I made a 4 and 3/4" wide by 5" high pocket with three 1/4" seam delimiters on the left, bottom, and right sides of it using GIMP 2.8.10, then printed it out on card stock paper. After cutting it out and folding over the three 1/4" seams to create an accordion seam, I used an Elmer's glue stick on the seams, then glued it onto the front cover of the journal. (I inserted a piece of paper under the seams so that the glue didn't get onto the back side of the pocket when I applied it onto the seams.)

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Weekly Planner/Journal Notes Page 13

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(Click on image to enlarge)
I made a "practice" art journal page with a Valentine's Day theme, and inserted it into Page 13 of the Notes section of the weekly planner/journal that I'm using for The Documented Life Project.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.8, then printed it out on card stock paper.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Selfie - Week 02 - The Documented Life Project

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(Click on image to enlarge)
The Week02 challenge for The Documented Life Project was "Selfie."

I'm a very private person, so I didn't want to post an image of myself, but then I came up with a compromise. I took a selfie, altered it with G'MIC Filters, then partially painted over it with a chalk brush.

I created this journal page using GIMP 2.8.8, then printed it out on card stock paper. After cutting it out, I used Scotch Tape to tape the right side edges together. I used a page size of 4.875" x 8" with 0.25" radius corners on the right side so that it would fit flush with the right side of the journal page, but have a little gap of space on the left side.

I got some Washi tape, but my planner margins are very narrow, so I haven't used it yet.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Journal Skin

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(Click on image to enlarge)
I created a "Journal Skin" to cover my weekly planner/journal with, so I can change it out over time. I'm using this weekly planner/journal for The Documented Life Project.

I created the Journal Skin using GIMP 2.8.8. I created an 8 and 1/2" wide by 11" high template page, with a 1.4375" top and bottom seam, and 2" right side seam. I positioned the 5 and 1/8" wide by 8 and 1/8" high cover to the left of the 2" seam. I added a 1 and 1/2" wide by 3/4" high rectangle where the date on the planner was, so it could be cut out after printing.

I used three postcards that I had made in the past to decorate my Journal Skin, and the skin image extends into the book spine area. I printed the skin, along with a second template page that was just the background, folded them along the seams, put them onto the journal, then glued them together with an Elmer's glue stick.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Journal Back Pocket

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(Click on image to enlarge)
I created a back pocket for my weekly planner/journal that I'm using for The Documented Life Project .

I made a 4 and 3/4" wide by 5" high pocket with a 1/4" seam on the left, bottom, and right sides of it using GIMP 2.8.8, then printed it out on card stock paper. After cutting it out and folding over the 1/4" seams, I used an Elmer's glue stick on the seams, then glued it onto the back cover of the journal. (I inserted a piece of paper under the seams so that the glue didn't get onto the back side of the pocket when I applied it onto the seams.)

After that, I created a "Journal Skin" to cover my weekly planner/journal with, so I can change it out over time. I draped that over the left side of the journal for this photo, and put a tag that I had created into the back pocket. You can see the "Journal Skin" on the weekly planner/journal in this post.

The pocket images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Coffee Car" – Tag

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(Click on image to enlarge)
This week’s Tag Along challenge #19 was "Tickets."

I searched my stash of ticket images but didn't know what to do for an overall theme. When I found the 1897 Henri Meunier Rajah Advertising Poster among my PNG images, I decided to make a "Coffee Car" ticket for the Metro North New Haven Line railroad. They have a "Bar Car" on some of the trains sometimes, although no special ticket is required to be in it.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.8.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search.

The font is Georgia Bold.

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Documented Life Project - Week 01

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(Click on image to enlarge)

The Week01 challenge for The Documented Life Project was "Front Door."

For whatever reason, the Rolling Stones' song "Paint it Black" popped into my head, so I went where my muse took me, which was down a dark path. The door is a digital sketch of what my front door looks like.

I created this using GIMP 2.8.8, then printed it out on card stock paper. After cutting it out, I used Scotch Tape to tape the right side edges together. I then folded it out and taped it on the inside seam, also. I used a page size of 4.875" x 8" with 0.25" radius corners on the right side so that it would fit flush with the right side of the journal page, but have a little gap of space on the left side.

I didn't have Washi tape, so I used regular clear tape. I like how I'm able to see the entire piece, so now I'm unsure whether or not I'll get Washi tape for future challenges, or continue to use Scotch Tape.

You can also see some of my doodles on the left side page. I can't draw, so my efforts are amateurish. Perhaps they will improve as the year progresses.

The images are from a DuckDuckGo search. DuckDuckGo allows you to search anonymously, unlike Google and the other NSA collaborators.

The master index for all of my entries is here.

The Documented Life Project Challenge

Art to the 5th has created The Documented Life Project weekly challenge for 2014. The challenge entries can be seen on Flickr, Facebook, and/or Instagram: #documentedlife .

The challenge involves using a weekly planner. I purchased a 2014 Sugar Paper Los Angeles 5" x 8" weekly/monthly planner, and Bic and Crayola markers. (You can read more details about the challenge here.)

I used GIMP version 2.8.8 to create 2" x 1.5" tabs that I then printed on card stock paper, cut out, and Elmer's glue sticked into the planner.

I also used GIMP to create a page template that was 4.875" x 8" with 0.25" radius corners on the right side.

The weekly challenges are listed below, and I will add links to my entries as I create them. This blog entry will serve as my master index to them.

All of the images are © All Rights Reserved

Journal Skin

Journal Front Accordion Pocket

Journal Back Pocket

Week 1. Front Door
Week 2. Selfie
Week 3. Envelope in Mail
Week 4. Secret Message
Week 5. Border
Week 6. Inspired By...

Week 7. Shape
Week 8. Add a Flap to your Flap

Week 9. Recycle
Week 10. List
Week 11. Bird
Week 12. Magazine Clippings
Week 13. Someone else draws, then you finish it
Week 14. Embellish your name
Week 15. Monochromatic
Week 16. Cardboard Food Box
Week 17. Favorite Shoes
Week 18. Inspiring Quote
Week 19. Random Act of Kindness
Week 20. Rubber Stamp
Week 21. Embroidery
Week 22. Draw, paint or sketch a house
Week 23. Gratitude
Week 24. Use book text
Week 25. Cover your Flap in Hearts
Week 26. Add a bible verse that inspires you - or a line from your favorite book
Week 27. Add a crossword puzzle, suduko or word search
Week 28. Add an Instagram or other tiny photo
Week 29. Make a wish list - draw or cut up magazines to illustrate
Week 30. Add receipts, labels, business cards - smash books style!
Week 31. Add a pocket and fill it full of your week's treasure!
Week 32. Incorporate a Fortune from a Fortune Cookie
Week 33. Use your "under paper" in a creative way
Week 34. Fill the page with numbers that relate to your week
Week 35. Draw, sketch, paint, doodle a face
Week 36. Black & White
Week 37. Use white pen prominently
Week 38. Draw, paint, doodle, sketch a feather
Week 39. Add splatters and drips
Week 40. Paint or color with three colors you never use
Week 41. Polka Dots
Week 42. Stars
Week 43. Sketch what you see right now
Week 44. Incorporate real or drawn leaves into your page
Week 45. Add a Tab
Week 46. Incorporate Fabric onto Your Page
Week 47. Add a map of your town, state or country. Document about this map.
Week 48. Depict Gratitude in a creative way
Week 49. Trace your hand
Week 50. Pick a fantasy vacation spot and make a packing list. Money is NO object!
Week 51. Arrows!!
Week 52. Document your family holiday tradition
Week 53. Draw or collage something that begins with the first letter of your first name



Notes Page 11
Notes Page 12
Notes Page 13