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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Red Old Fashioned Bleeding Hearts - Photograph

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I took that photograph in my yard this past week.

This year, my only red Old Fashioned Bleeding Hearts plant isn't doing too well. I'm not sure if part of the problem is the plant is now being overshadowed by a bush that has started growing larger due to it getting more sunshine after five trees fell back in August 2020 due to Tropical Storm Isaias. I have a few other pink bleeding heart plants in a second flower bed, that never did well, so I might move all of them to a better location.


My name is Erika. said...

Bleeding hearts remind me of my mom and my aunt. They both had pink ones like in your other post. Yours are so pretty Anne. Did you get rain today?

CJ Kennedy said...

They look so pretty

Lowcarb team member said...

They do look lovely.

All the best Jan