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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Stone Bridge Reflection - Photograph

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I took this photograph near Mill Hollow Park in Fairfield, CT this past week. This lush green scene belies the fact that we had a sweltering humid heat wave going on. (The hot weather continues, but the humidity moderated a little.)

I started this sequence of four photograph posts with a tranquil scene, and am ending with one as well. In between, were birds of prey, which were fitting for my current view of our world.

This was a quote that I came up with for a recent art piece that I did:

I Crow Over All

Because Nature is neither Good nor Evil.

Nature is merely reproduction and survival of the fittest.

1 comment:

genie said...

This bridge could easily be in the United Kingdom. It is beautiful and your capture is a lovely one. The reflection makes it looks like an alligator with its ninth open. genie