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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"Autumn Colors" - Postcard

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(Click on image to enlarge)

This week's Our Midweek Muse theme was "Autumn Colors".

I created this using GIMP 2.10.38.

The vintage images are from an Internet search. (See the side of my blog for links.)



OVER her dreaming face she flings
Forgetfulness, nor seems to hear,
Above the waning of her year,
A passing sob of wood-doves' wings.

As one, that in a magic swoon,
Remembering not slow time's advance,
Might find her face o'er-brushed perchance
Of bat-wings at the bud of moon,

And say, with murmur of her lips,
"Low fly the swallows in the sun:
"I will awake when heat is done,
"And all the weary daylight dips."

Even so she sleeps; and wakes aware
Only at parting of her joys,
When the wood's multitudinous voice
Goes chilled and chidden through the air.

Then all her shining visage thrills
With pain, crowned round with shattered gold;
Her gracious hands unlock their hold
On all the purple leaning hills.

And wood-sprites learn a sudden lore
From that wild death upon her face;
And, as they strip her empty place,
White strangers foot it to the door.

by Laurence Housman


Sim said...

This poem is very beautiful, poignant and evocative.
And your illustration is very beautiful too.
It's all of great sadness, and I'm distressed by these sumptuous colours...
Beautiful work Anne!

Gillena Cox said...

Lovely autumn postcard and poem


Deann said...

A perfect card for Autumn love the colors and the words. Wishing you a wonderful fall season.

Barb said...

This is wonderful, Anne, and beautiful poetry!

CJ Kennedy said...

Beautiful. I'm surprised how much color is on the trees