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"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster..." ― Friedrich W. Nietzsche

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Coyote (at dusk) - Photograph

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I took those photographs this past week.

It was dusk, so these photographs are dark. Although I live on a busy main road, and there are many houses nearby, there is also enough wooded cover for animals to thrive. I don't normally see Coyotes, even though they are here. This one stopped by to eat some overripe grapes that I had put out for animals to eat.


CJ Kennedy said...

He looks quite healthy. Thankfully, your kitty is an indoor cat.

Lowcarb team member said...

Well considering it was dusk these three photographs turned out very well.

All the best Jan

Deann said...

Wow, awesome.