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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fringe song from A Short Story About Love

I did a search on this, to find the fantastic song that was playing on Fringe while the killer was in his lab, in Season 4 Episode 15 (Mar 23, 2012) A Short Story About Love. The song is:

The Friends of Mr.Cairo (Emotional Cut) - Jon & Vangelis

One on one to talk to you
Like film stars they get close to you
You've mirrored his appeal
He wants you so, he wants to be beside you
Then you pass by giving him the other side of you
Like the mystics do
So that every time he moves, he moves for you

Soul and light can always see
The meeting of true love and she
This silent night and I,
I guess a lonely mind might see

I've seen love on the screen
I've seen a screen goddesss and me-oh
How often this, how often this, the power of you
And so, I must confess
Whatever I see
I'm meant to be there with you
With you.

Silent golden movies, talkies, technicolour, long ago
My younger ways stand clearer, clearer than my footprints
Stardom greats I've followed closely

Closer than the nearest heartbeat
Longer than expected-they were great-
Oh love oh love just to see them
Acting on the silver screen, oh my
Clark Gable, Fairbanks, Maureen O'Sullivan
Fantasy would fill my life and I
Love fantasy so much
Did you see in the morning light
I really talked, yes I did, to God's early dawning light
And I was privileged to be as I am to this day
To be with you. To be with you.
To be with you. To be with you.
To be with you.

[movie actor like speech:]
Mr. Cairo: Listen. I have arranged this display for...
for all of you people to...
to come here this evening and I...
I know you have been searched, but, what you...
you don't realize is, is that in the back of the Maltese Falcon, I have it ...

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