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This week’s Three Muses challenge was “Envelope Art.” I measured a business envelope (size 10) and used that exact size in GIMP for a template, but I had problems printing it onto an envelope (the image got cut off on the top and left, and didn’t extend all the way to the bottom and right edges). The woman image is from a Soartful challenge.
I appreciate your frustration when trying to print directly onto the envelope. It's nearly impossible to out-guess the printer, I find. I cut a manilla folder down to 8.5 x 11 and print directly onto it, then sew the edges closed once I've put in the inserts! I've also printed on paper and glued to the envelopes, but printing directly onto the envelopes? I've never been able to make it happen to my satisfaction. Your envelope is beautiful, Anne. Thanks so much for joining us!
Beautiful envelope, Anne. My printer won't print to the very edge so I have a little white margin on my printed envelopes. Frustrating.
Wonderful envelope
Elegant and very nice mail art!
Beautiful envelope, Anne, perfect for a love letter!
I love your envelope Anne! I couldn't print out satisfactorily straight on to an envelope. That's why I print out and stick, so much easier!
Lovely work!
Hugs xx
Oh Anne, this is a stunning little work of art. It's gorgeous.
I go for the printing on separate paper and glue to the envelope. Less stress and more fun ...... for me.
A very pretty envelope. Be sure to send it to someone you love :)
It looks perfect to me, Anne! A great envelope.
I wouldn't know where to start in printing one of these, thats why mine is done by hand. But yours is just beautiful. Annette x
What a wonderfully made envelope!
Beautiful! I love the image.
Oh, this is gorgeous, Anne!
Wise words from Bev there, Anne! Love your delicate design though! =)
Your envelope is lovely!
O my this is so lovely!
Beautiful envelope Anne - this is really gorgeous!
This is delightful, I love the airy background pattern, and the elegant lady and delicate, drifting floral branches. Really stunning!
Your envelope is beautiful, Anne, so elegant and cleverly designed. I'm with Bev. I never use a REAL envelope. I make my own and use glue and/or stitching around the edges. It is so much easier to print a front and back joined together at the base, with a small flap at one end for opening the envelope, and either glueing or stitching the edges.
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