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"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster..." ― Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Definition of Bigot: a person who is intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance.
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." ― C. S. Lewis
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I took this photograph of the Bridgeport-Port Jefferson Ferry as seen from Jennings Beach in Fairfield, CT at sunset this past week. It was a long distance shot, so it didn't come out crisp. But it looked like the effect I get when I use the GIMP G'MIC Kuwahara Filter, which I like, so I decided to post it.
This is 1 of 2 posts of photographs I took at Perry's Mill Pond in Fairfield, CT this past week.
I was thrilled to get photographs of what I think is a Pied-billed Grebe. I believe I've seen evidence of these aquatic diving birds in the past, but it was the water ripples left behind after they had vanished underwater. This is the first time I've actually seen what it was.
This is 3 of 5 posts of photographs I took at Burying Hill Beach as the sun was setting in Westport, CT this past week.
The first photo was taken facing toward the sun, so the seagull is almost a silhouette. The second photo looks like the background is on fire while the seagull drops a shell.
This is 3 of 4 posts of photographs I took at the reservoir in Easton, CT this past week.
This photograph is blurry, but so far it is the best shot I've been able to get of these waterfowl. They are always swimming and diving in the distance. This is the first time I've posted a photograph of a Hooded Merganser.
This is 4 of 4 posts of photographs I took at the reservoir in Easton, CT this past week.
I was surprised to see this thin layer of ice here. The nights have been below freezing lately, but I thought it had warmed up high enough during the day to melt any ice that formed.